Monday, September 30, 2024

Garden roundup for September

During August, our chickens laid 57 eggs, of which 38 made it to the house.  That’s the fewest number of eggs laid since I started keeping track last summer.  It’s definitely that they’re older hens.  I guess I’ll have to plan to get some chicks next spring.

Things have been so hectic, I haven’t kept up taking photos and posting blogs about harvests.  I think the only new items we harvested this month were the beets and pumpkins.  Other things we harvested were more tomatoes and even some raspberries.

Hopefully, as things wind down, I’ll be able to organize my thoughts and get some posts out on, various topics.  We’ll see.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Garden roundup for August

During August, our chickens laid 71 eggs, of which 54 made it to the house.  That’s the fewest eggs laid since January.  I don’t know if it was the heat, they’re really slowing down laying eggs, or what.  I guess we’ll see in the next few months.

I said that June and July were hectic, but then August came around.  There were several first harvest, such as kidney beans, corn, watermelon, pears, etc.  I got pictures of some of these, but never seemed to have the time to post them.  I also picked all of our onions and currently have them drying. 

The big thing, and part of why this post is late, has been tomatoes.  In the last two weeks we’ve canned enough pizza sauce for twenty-two pizzas, as well as enough spaghetti sauce for about twenty nights of spaghetti.  We still have about a dozen jars from previous years, so we’ll have to go from having spaghetti once or twice a month to two or three times a month.  And just yesterday, we canned about a dozen jars of just tomatoes.  And there’s still more in the garden.  I even started looking for recipes for ketchup, just to use them up.  Although, my mom said somebody had made homemade ketchup some years ago, but they didn’t care for it.  But if we have more tomatoes than we know what to do with, we might just try an experiment.  I’ll let you know if we do. 

Hopefully, things will slow down now.  All that’s left is the last planting of corn, which might not do so well, the beets, pumpkins, potatoes, some apples, and more tomatoes.  I’m already starting to plan next year’s garden, and two things I know we’ll have will be fewer zucchini and fewer tomatoes.